
A revisionist biography from a compulsive editor.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

If I could be summed up in this little box, I wouldn't be worth your time.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

So the thoughts in my last post have been rattling around in my head for a month now.  They really felt like they needed to go into verse, but I couldn't find the right meter.  Today my ex got married.  Evidently that loosened something up.

They say that life is like a path,
We travel with a friend.

But now and then the path will fork

And seem to bring an end.

For reasons unbeknownst to us

Perhaps our friend will say

You take this path, and as for me

I’ll go another way.


Why is it then, so often, that

A parting of the ways

Does not feel like a parting but

The turning of a page?

Perhaps life is not like a path,

But rather like a book

That, even though we’ve read it once,

Demands another look.


The characters in chapter one

Do not go anywhere.

We flip back in our memory,

And find them waiting there.

So even now is Romeo

Ascending up a wall,

And Catherine and Pip have not

Gone anywhere at all.


So though we two no longer walk

Together side by side,

The fact that you are with me still

Can never be denied.

As Dante still loves Beatrice

And Petrarch too his Laurel,

I adore you still, and always will,

And that dear, is the moral.


Yours ever,

Roderick de Codpiece

Order of the Knight Companion

It's a bit simple, but it's exactly what I was trying to say.


Blogger Annje said...

That's absolutely beautiful and well put. It's always hard when our ex's move on, but our memories will always be with us.

9:33 AM  

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